
I am a tenure track assistant professor at RWTH Aachen University. My research deals with the analysis of complex systems that can be abstracted as networks or graphs. A central methodological issue underlying my research is how one can study and integrate the multiple levels of organization which are commonly found in a range of systems. My research combines ‘bottom-up’ dynamical models, and ‘top-down’ data-driven approaches, and uses a blend of tools from control theory, dynamical systems, stochastic processes, machine learning and statistics.

Fo more information about my group at RWTH see here.

We are always looking for excellent PhD students and PostDocs. If you are interested, please get in contact.

News and Events

July 22-26, 2024 – I am attending the Newton Institute workshop “Hypergraphs: Theory and Applications” at the Alan Turing Institute. If you are around, feel free to get in touch.
June 7, 2024 – Many cool new papers from my group uploaded to the arxiv in the last days – check them out here: [Paper1][Paper2][Paper3][Paper4].
June 3, 2024 – I am happy to announce that I have been selected as a member of the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS).
May 9, 2024 – Our paper with Leonie, Michael Scholkemper and Francisco Tudisco on learning the dynamics on hypergraphs is now out in Science Advances!
April 5, 2024 – New paper accepted at ICLR and available on arxiv as well.
March 11, 2024 – I have given an invited talk at this years Young European Probabilists meeting (YEP 2024) in Eindhoven.
February 1, 2024 – I have joined the editorial board of Science Advances.
January, 22, 2024 – I will be giving a virtual talk at the Center for Critical Computational Studies at Frankfurt University.
January, 12, 2024 – Two more papers out on arxiv. One about canonical microaggregation with Felix here. The other one on optimal transport between embeddings as distance measures between networks with Michael and Damin here.
December, 19, 2023 – We have a paper accepted at Asilomar 2023. You can find the preprint here.
December, 15, 2023 – We have three papers accepted at ICASSP 2023. A paper led by James Nagai with Ivan Costa [arxiv]. A second paper with Vincent [arxiv]. Last but not least, a paper with Damin Kuehn, Michael Scholkemper and some colleagues from Neuroscience (which will hopefully be on the arxiv soon).
December, 6, 2023 – Overdue update on our papers in the Learning on Graph conference. Very happy to got 3 papers accepted :) First, some great work with Donald Loveland, Jiong Zhu, Mark Heimann, Ben Fish and Danai Koutra [arxiv]. Second, a paper on a great idea from Vincent using the metric dependence in persistent homology to reveal some new cool features about data [arxiv]. Finally, Josef’s first paper within his PhD about inferring sparse cell complexes from data [arxiv], which received the best paper award!
December, 4, 2023 – Anton Savostianov is visiting us from GSSI, Italy, til the end of January – welcome Anton!
November, 25, 2023 – New arxiv paper with Vincent on spectral properties of the Hodge-Laplacian and on why not all small eigenvalues are of the same kind…
September, 11, 2023 – Visiting Linkoping for the ELLIIT focus period on network dynamics and control. If you are there, too, please feel free to get in touch.
August, 21, 2023 – I will be in Tokyo this week at ICIAM to talk about Hodge Laplacians and related things. If you are there, too, please feel free to get in touch.
August, 14, 2023 – Leonie Neuhäuser sucessfully defended her PhD today. Congratulations Dr. Neuhäuser!
July, 28, 2023Mehdi Naima, a PostDoctoral Researcher in our lab will leave our lab soon, as he is about to start a faculty position in France. Farewell Mehdi!
July, 11, 2023 – I gave a school talk at Netsci 2023 on signal processing for graphs and complexes.
June, 6, 2023 – New preprint with Leonie, Michael and Francesco Tudisco (GSSI, Italy) on learning models for dynamical hypernetworks here.
May, 30, 2023 – New preprint with my student Michael on finding node roles by approximating equitable partitons here.
April, 26, 2023 – New (long!) paper on arxiv on topological deep learning. Further, Vincent’s paper on topological point cloud clustering just got accepted to ICML.
April, 2, 2023 – Two new papers on arxiv. The first together with my students Florian and Vincent on signal processing on product spaces. The second paper, about topological point cloud clustering, has been led by Vincent and tries to combine ideas from spectral clustering with topological data analysis.
March, 17, 2023 – New preprint on the arxiv
March, 3, 2023 – I will give an introduction to graph signal processing as part of the school program at NetSci 2023 in Vienna
February, 1, 2023 – Forgot to add: two preprints with Lucille Calmon and Ginestra Bianconi out of the arxiv
January, 4, 2023 – Happy to announce that I have become a member of the Junges Kolleg of the Academy of the Sciences and Arts of North-Rhine Westphalia.
October, 15, 2022 – Great paper with Felix Stamm, Michael Scholkemper, and Markus Strohmaier on using color refinement and configuration models to yield neighborhood preserving network models here
September, 19, 2022 – Paper with Maosheng Yang, Elvin Isufi and Geert Leus out now at IEEE TSP here
August, 11, 2022 – New preprint with Leonie on the arxiv on interventions in network growth processes
July, 11, 2022 – New KDD workshop paper, out now on the arxiv
July, 1, 2022 – Happy to announce that I have become editorial board member of Communication Physics
June, 9, 2022 – New paper published in Nature Communications here
May, 9, 2022 – Three papers now published at ICASSP. Check out the Publication section.
March 18, 2022 – New paper on the arxiv with Michael Scholkemper on blind detection of equitable partitions and network roles here
January 28, 2022 – New paper on the arxiv on convolutional filters for simplicial complexes here
January 21, 2022 – Three papers accepted at ICASSP, including two with my students Michael and Florian.
January 11, 2022 – A new year has started and I have high-hopes good things are on the Horizon – pun intended ;)…
December 30, 2021 – Paper with Leonie on dynamics on temporal hypergraphs out in PRE here.
November 30, 2021 – Paper with Florian on outlier detection for trajectories here.
November 10, 2021 – Paper with Leonie published in Applied Network Science here.
October 21, 2021 – Forgot to say: since a week we have a new preprint out on signal processing on cell complexes, together with Mitch Roddenberry and Mustafa Hajij. You can find it here.
September 29, 2021 – I am happy to announce that I have been named a Junior Fellow by the German Society of Informatics (GI).
September 21, 2021 – Together with Mitch Roddenberry and Santiago Segarra (Rice) and my student Florian, we have a new paper on Wavelets for edge-flows here.
September 13, 2021 – With my student Leonie we have a new preprint out on higher-order consensus dynyamics on temporal hypergraphs here.
August 23, 2021 – Leonie and I have been interviewed for an article in Quanta Magazine on higher-order networks.
August 13, 2021 – Our joint work with Mauro Faccin and Jean-Charles Delvenne on State Aggregations of Markov chains has been published in PRL … and appears on the cover!
August 4, 2021 – Two of our works have now been published in [Signal Processing] and [Bioinformatics]
June 22, 2021 – Two new preprints online [Preprint 1] [Preprint 2]
May 27, 2021 – Paper accepted at ICAS 2021. The arxiv version can be found here [Preprint]
May 18, 2021 – Forgot to add, there is another preprint on the arxiv [Preprint]
April 23, 2021 – New preprint on higher order networks on arxiv [Preprint]
April 20, 2021 – New preprint on the Analysis of Ligand Receptor networks out on biorxiv [Preprint]
March 24, 2021 – Preprint on signal processing on simplicial complexes [Preprint]
March 16, 2021 – Together with Renaud Lambiotte I wrote a book on Modularity and Dynamics on Complex Networks. You can find it here [Final Draft Book]
January 15, 2021 – Another preprint, this time on signal processing on higher-order networks: [Preprint]
January 12, 2021 – New preprint out on the arxiv here: [Preprint]
January 4, 2021 – Florian Frantzen starts as PhD student in our group. Welcome Florian!
November 30, 2020 – My student Leonie gave a talk at the Oxford Network Science seminar. The video is here.
November 11, 2020 – My student Leonie gave a talk at the Women in Network Science (online) seminar – you can find the video here.
November 2, 2020 – Michael Scholkemper starts as PhD student in our group. Welcome Michael!
October 26, 2020 – I am among the top 10% of reviewers for NeurIPS 2020… hurray! Furthermore we have a new preprint out on the arxiv here: [Preprint]
September 23, 2020 – Some further updates: First we got two new preprints online [Preprint 1] [Preprint 2] containing joint work with Leto Peel on hierarchical community detection. Second, my PhD student Leonie Neuhäuser gave a great talk at Netsci. You can find the recording here.
September 21, 2020 – I gave two talks at Netsci 2020 in the last days. The first about Signal Processing on Simplicial complexes at the Toponets satellite, the second on the blind identification of stochastic block models from dynamical observations. Both talks are available on youtube here: Talk 1 and Talk 2.
September 17, 2020 – Ingo Scholtes, Renaud Lambiotte, Martin Rosvall and I, together with Program Chairs Giona Casiraghi and Laurence Brandenberger, are organizing the higher-order model in network science workshop (HONS) as part of the virtual Netsci 2020.
September 1, 2020 – Leonie Neuhäuser starts as PhD student in our group. Welcome Leonie!
August 16, 2020 – Our paper “Exact Blind Community Detection from Signals on Multiple Graphs” with Mitch Roddenberry, Hoi-To Wai and Santiago Segarra got published in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing here.
August 3, 2020 – Together with Fabian Schulz from Ministy of Culture and Science (MKW) of NRW, I was interviewed about the NRW return programm by Anne Schreiter from the German Scholars Organization (GSO). You can find the interview here.
July 9, 2020 – The videos from our workshop Learning from Data on networks are online now here.
July 8, 2020 – I will be a keynote speaker at the Toponets workshop, which will be part of Netsci 2020 (Rome), which is now happening as a virtual conference.
June 8, 2020 – Santiago Segarra, Francesco Tudisco and I are organizing a virtual minisymposium on Learning from data on networks as part of the SIAM conference on Mathematics of Data Science
June 1, 2020 – Started new position at RWTH Aachen University
May 7, 2020 – Released introductory video on network science and higher-order interactions on youtube here

Short Bio

I studied Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at ETH Zurich with a focus on communication systems. After a MSc in Biomedical Engineering at Imperial College London (Neurotechnology stream), I moved to the Mathematics Department to obtain my PhD under the supervision of Prof. Mauricio Barahona and Prof. Sophia Yaliraki. Following my PhD, I worked in Belgium, jointly at the Université catholique de Louvain and at the University of Namur, as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. In November 2016, I moved to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a Postdoctoral Research Associate. From July 2017 onwards I was a Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellow at MIT and the University of Oxford, before joining RWTH Aachen University in June 2020, supported by the NRW Return Programme (2019). I have been awarded an ERC Starting Grant in 2022.

For more information on my ERC project see HIGH-HOPeS.
For more information on my Marie Curie Project see HIntNets

Contact Address

Michael Schaub
Department of Computer Science
RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstraße 55, Building E2 D-52074 Aachen

+49 241 80 21490